Blue Hill School Families
This update is intended to follow up on the previous statement that we would make a decision about High School Prom on April 1. With guidance from state leaders and health department experts, it is looking more and more like we will not return to school as “normal” this school year. We are currently under a Directed Health Measure that prohibits groups of more than 10 from meeting in one place. This measure is in effect until May 12.
For now, we continue to hold out hope to have large group gatherings at some point. We want to do everything possible to have a chance for students to get together to finish out the year and for seniors, the Class of 2020, to participate in significant events of their high school experience. Prom was originally scheduled for April 25th and now that date is not a possibility. If the current ban on large group gatherings is lifted, our goal will be to hold the Prom no later than June 14. If we do not have health department clearance for large groups by this time, Prom will be canceled.
Graduation is scheduled for May 9 and now this date is not a possibility. We have set a date of April 15 to make a further decision on Graduation. We are already exploring options for Graduation exercises in the event that a ban on large group gatherings will continue to be in force. We have identified June 30 as the last date to hold a Graduation ceremony. The commencement site could change from the school and the Graduation itself may look very different from past ceremonies. If necessary we would hold Graduation as a virtual event.
We appreciate your support as we make very difficult decisions about events that have great significance to students and their families. We understand that our whole community is trying to deal with this pandemic in the best way they can. May the virus unite us.
Joél Ruybalid